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Planting Herbs In Spring

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Who doesn’t love the idea of having garden-fresh herbs just a stone’s throw from the kitchen?

There’s more to herbs than you might imagine, and spring is a fantastic time to try your hand at growing some culinary classics.

You might even discover a new favourite!

Climate zones

Wondering what herbs to plant in spring for your area?

Many popular herbs will grow in all parts of Australia, while others are pickier in their need for warmer or colder conditions, and this will influence the time of seed sowing and/or planting out.

This is generally done after frosts have passed, which will be later in cooler areas. 

Best herbs to grow in spring 

Basil (e.g. Basil Sweet Genovese – seed)

  • Popular aromatic herb with many culinary uses
  • Sow seeds directly in garden beds during spring
  • Wait at least two weeks after last frost before sowing
  • Requires a warm, sheltered position
  • Can also be sown in window pots all year round
  • Great accompaniment to homegrown tomatoes


Culinary Sage (e.g. Sage – seed)

  • Highly fragrant as has many culinary and medicinal uses
  • Direct sow seeds into garden beds after last frost has passed
  • Alternatively, can be started indoors up to 2 months before last frost
  • Leaves can be harvested all year round; use fresh or dried 
  • Companion plant for tomatoes, cabbages and carrots
  • Plants reach mature size at around 2 years


Coriander (e.g. Coriander Lemon – seed)

  • Fragrant herb popular in many Asian cuisines
  • Sow directly to garden beds in early spring
  • Resow at 2-3 intervals for a continuous supply
  • Harvesting leaves encourages rapid regrowth
  • Great companion plant in the veggie patch 
  • Aromatic properties repel unhelpful insects


Thyme (e.g. Lemon Thyme)

  • Strong flavour and fragrance with many culinary uses
  • Easy to grow, hardy and dry tolerant once established
  • Likes an open, sunny position; dislikes wet feet
  • Plant in a veggie plot, pot, rockery or as a hardy groundcover
  • Leaves can be harvested all year round
  • Good companion for cabbages, onions and roses


Italian Parsley (from seed)

  • Kitchen staple; Italian variety used in European cuisines
  • Nutritious leaves rich in iron and vitamin C
  • Sow directly into outdoor containers, beds or window boxes
  • Best sown in a sunny spot after last frost has passed
  • Harvest leaves continuously by cutting stem
  • Blooms can be removed to postpone plants going to seed


Chives (from seed)

  • Clumping perennial herb with light, onion-like flavour
  • Attractive ornamental as well as useful culinary herb
  • Very easy to grow – ideal for beginners 
  • Sow directly in groups of 3-4 seeds
  • Remove weaker seedlings to leave one plant per position
  • Clumps can be divided every few years as needed

Herb your enthusiasm 

Aromatic and edible herbs are a must-have in any garden.

Whether your goal is to pick herbs for cooking, salads and teas, give your veggie plot a helping hand or simply add some fragrant foliage to your garden, these plants are your best friend. Why not grow some vegetables or fruits this spring as well?

Try some this spring! 

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