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Are Homegrown Vegetables More Nutritious?

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It’s no secret that homegrown veggies just taste better than store-bought. Whether you’re trying out a few salad greens or a committed urban farmer, nothing beats biting into homegrown produce. 

The question is, are there any nutritional benefits to growing veggies at home? We think there are – read on to find out what they are.  

Benefits of growing vegetables at home 

     Better quality

Generally speaking, supermarket produce is sourced from large-scale farms that focus on growing just one crop year after year.

In many cases, this depletes soil quality, which in turn impacts the nutrient density of the produce.

When you grow your own, you have a much better idea of what is going into the soil, and can rotate your veggie plantings to ensure it stays in top condition. 

     More variety

Growing your own veggies gives you access to a huge array of varieties that may not be readily available at the store.

Unusual and heirloom seeds offer a greater range of colour, texture and flavour. Don’t be surprised if you start eating more veggies as a result!

By growing a personalised selection and trying out new varieties, your diet will be nutritionally enriched.

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Unless you own a greenhouse, veggie gardening means growing what’s in season for your local area.

Growing produce in its natural growing season results in a higher density of vitamins and other beneficial nutrients.

This is not always the case with store-bought produce, which is often ripened artificially or kept in storage to allow for year-round availability. 

     Fresh factor

The nutritional value of most veggies begins to decline the moment they are harvested, so fresher is better.

Store-bought produce has often been transported long distances to get to the shelves.

It may also have been kept in storage and/or treated with waxes or chemicals to extend its shelf life and give a false impression of freshness. 

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Do you save money growing your own vegetables?

Ultimately, that depends on what you’re growing and in what quantities, balanced with the cost of gardening supplies and the like. 

If you’re growing produce that’s relatively expensive to buy at the shops – say, organic garlic or heirloom tomatoes – it’s likely that you’ll save some money. This is especially true if you can create a more self-sustaining garden by building healthy soil, looking after your tools and so on. 

Regardless, the nutritional advantages of growing your own vegetables will make it worth your while.

Growing vegetables at home 

With a bit of planning, TLC and a sunny outdoor space, virtually anyone can grow their own veggies. It’s just a matter choosing the right varieties for your local conditions and getting the timing right.

Soil quality and fertility also plays a big role for most veggie crops. Getting these basics right will set you up for a bounty of homegrown produce through all seasons. 

Read our post on the Best Vegetables to Plant in Summer for a few ideas. 

Start growing today

When it comes to homegrown vs store bought vegetables, there’s really no competition – homegrown is the winner! Yes, there’s a bit more elbow grease involved, but once you’ve tried your own produce you won’t want to go back. Why not start small and see what happens? 

Whether you’re a seasoned grower or a total newbie, Garden Express can help you discover the benefits of growing your own vegetables. Browse our range of quality vegetable seeds and seed raising equipment for inspiration. 

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