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Peacock Iris Growing Guide

Header Peacock Iris - Garden Express Australia

What is Peacock Iris?

Peacock Iris (Moraea aristata) is a Summer dormant geophyte. It is part of the Iridaceae family and is native to South African where it is critically endangered in the wild. The foliage and flowers emerge in Winter to Spring and then are dormant through Summer. The foliage is mid to dark green in colour which is singular and narrow. The flowers arise on tall spikes and are large and white with a deep iridescent blue eye on each petal. The Peacock Iris prefers a full sun to part shade position in the garden with well drained soil. They should be left in the ground to naturalise.

Benefits of Growing Peacock Iris

Peacock Iris are very easy to grow. They have showy flowers which will bring colour to your Winter garden. They are ideal for planting in rock gardens and pots.

How to Grow Peacock Iris

Peacock Iris Pkpeairi - Garden Express Australia

Peacock Iris

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 20-40cm, Width: 5-10cm

When To Plant Peacock Iris

Plant in late Summer to Autumn.

Soil Preparation

They like a humus rich, well drained soil. Mix through plenty of compost or well broken down manure into soil before planting.

How To Plant Peacock Iris

Plant in full sun to part shade, 5-10cm apart with the bulb 2-5cm beneath the soil level.

Peacock Iris Plant Care

Water well after planting, keep moist while actively growing. Once foliage starts dying down, stop watering.

Fertilises with a complete garden fertiliser when shoots start to appear.

Allow foliage to die down naturally. Bulbs may be left undisturbed for years, however if you have wet Summers it is best to lift bulbs and store in a dry place and replant in the Autumn. If you are lifting bulbs, do so as soon as the foliage dies down and store the clean bulbs in a dry, airy place.