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Lycoris Growing Guide

Header Lycoris - Garden Express Australia

What is Lycoris?

Lycoris has a few common names; Spider Lily, Hurricane Lily and Cluster Amayllis are just a few.  Lycoris aurea (Yellow flower) Lycoris radiata (Red flower) comes from the Amaryllidaceae family and originates from China. Lycoris is a bulbous perennial with a clumping habit.  These hardy members of the Amaryllis family are dormant during the Summer months and bear their beautiful flowers during Autumn before growing foliage in the cooler months. Flowers are presented on a tall stem with 4 to 5 flowers. The flowers are made of narrow ruffled petals of brilliant golden-yellow or striking red depending on the variety with long whiskery stamens.  Flat greyish-green leaves appear after flowering has finished. They like a hot sunny position during the warmer months, and grow best when they are left undisturbed. Shelter from the wind would also be recommend.

Benefits of Growing Lycoris

Lycoris are a good source of low maintenance Autumn and Winter colour. They are fantastic for borders, rockeries or shrubberies. Lycoris can even be kept in pots and containers. The bulbs are best left in the ground to naturalise. If they are left undisturbed, they will produce more flowers. Lycoris make excellent cut flowers. Cut flowers will last up to 3 weeks in water.

How to Grow Lycoris

Lycoris Red 20141 - Garden Express Australia

Lycoris Red

Climatic Zones

Cool to Sub-Tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 60cm, Width: 30cm

When To Plant Lycoris

Plant in late Spring to Summer.

Soil Preparation

Before planting, dig the ground over with well broken down animal manure or compost. A dressing of blood and bone prior to planting will help as well.

How To Plant Lycoris

Plant in full sun to light shade, 15cm apart with the neck of bulb just above the soil.

Lycoris Plant Care

Watering is required only to supplement natural rainfall. They will thrive with dry Spring and Summer conditions.

When pruning cut off any spent flowers.

An annual top dressing in Spring with some blood and bone along with a bulb fertiliser will help with growth and multiplication.

Lycoris is one of those bulbs that likes to be left undisturbed. If you plant them it is not unusual for it to not to flower in its first year. It will just send up foliage. Division is best carried out in Spring.

Lycoris Gold 2014 - Garden Express Australia

Lycoris Gold