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Liriope Growing Guide

Header Liriope - Garden Express Australia

What is Liriope?

Liriope (Liriope muscari) also known as Lily Turf, Monkey Grass is a clumping evergreen perennial. It is part of the Liliaceae family and is native to China and Japan. Liriope has dense grassy, strap like foliage. There is considerable variation in leaf color and size among a number of recognized cultivars. However the predominant foliage colour is dark green. There is even a variegated variety. They produce small flower spikes which depending on the variety can be deep purple, white or pink. Most varieties flower during Spring into Summer while there is some that flower in Autumn. Liriope prefer a full sun to part shade position in the garden. They are drought and frost tolerant.

Benefits of Growing Liriope

Liriope are a hardy low maintenance plant that has a long flowering period. They grow equally well in full sun, part shade or even full shade and will tolerate a wide range of soil types. They are moderately fast growing and look best when planted en masse. Liriope are perfect as a ground cover and for borders and edging, lawn substitutes, shade gardens and pots.

How to Grow Liriope

Liriope Royal Purple 08 - Garden Express Australia

Liriope Royal Purple

Climatic Zones

Cool to tropical.

Plant Size

Height: 30-60cm, Width: 45cm

When To Plant Liriope

Plant in Spring.

Soil Preparation

Liriope will grow well in a wide range of soils but for best results plant in a well drained soil.

How To Plant Liriope

Plant in full sun to semi shade, 15cm apart with the plant crown at soil level. Can be grown in heavy shade but will be slower to establish.

Liriope Plant Care

Water regularly during the warmer months initially, but once the plants have been in the ground for a full year, they will generally only need assistance during times of extreme dryness. Mulching will also assist plants to withstand dry periods.

Use a general purpose slow release fertiliser or Blood and Bone in Spring if desired.

In late Winter cut back ragged leaves which will allowing new leaves to grow in Spring. Cut back spent flower heads.

As clumps get larger they can be lifted and divided. This can be done in late Winter.

Recommended Liriope Varieties

Liriope makes an excellent low maintenance border plant.

Liriope Monroe White Lpolirmwh - Garden Express Australia

Liriope Monroe White

Liriope Silver Dragon 16 - Garden Express Australia

Liriope Silver Dragon

Liriope Samantha - Garden Express Australia

Liriope Samantha