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Freesia Growing Guide

Header Freesia - Garden Express Australia

What is Freesia?

Freesia (Freesia x hybrida) is a cormous perennial with spear shaped green foliage that fans out from the base. It comes from the Iridaceae family and is native to South Africa. Freesia flower during Spring time where an erect flower spike pushes through the spear shaped foliage and 5 to 10 flowers form along the spike. The trumpet shaped flowers range in vibrant colours including pinks, white, yellow, mauve and red. Most species of freesia are highly fragrant. They prefers full sun but tolerates very light shade for part of the day.

Benefits of Growing Freesia

Freesia require minimal maintenance once planted. They are great when planted en masse to create a scented garden in Spring, around rockeries, under trees or in pots scattered around the yard or balcony. Freesia are good for cut flowers. The blooms can last up to three weeks in a vase and should be picked as the first flower opens for best results. Freesia are very easy to grow and perfect for naturalising.

How to Grow Freesia

Freesia Hadeco Mixed Pkfrehmx - Garden Express Australia

Freesia Mix

Climatic Zones

Cool to subtropical.

Plant Size

Normal Height: 20-30cm, Width: 20cm

Giant Height: 30-40cm, Width: 20cm

When To Plant Freesia

Plant in Autumn.

Soil Preparation

Requires a well drained soil that has had an addition of slow release fertiliser mixed through the soil prior to planting.

How To Plant Freesia

Plant in full sun. Will tolerate very light shade for part of the day, 5-10cm apart with the bulb a depth of 7cm under the soil surface. Water after planting.

Freesia Plant Care

Soak weekly while plants are in bud or flowering, but during other times water is only needed if very dry.

Top dress 6 weeks after shoots appears with a bulb or complete fertiliser.

Freesia can be left in the ground. If required they can be lifted and stored if clumps become too congested. If lifting wait until the foliage has turned yellow. Do not cut off the old leaves until yellowing as the corm will still be storing energy for next season. Lift and dry the corm before storing in a warm and airy position. Replant next season.  

Watch out for snails and slugs.

Recommended Freesia Varieties

These easy to grow fragrant flowers are a must for any Spring bulb collector. Easy to grow and will flower for weeks on end.

Freesia Virginia Pkfrevir 2020 - Garden Express Australia

Freesia Virginia

Freesia Santorini Pkfresan 2020 - Garden Express Australia

Freesia Santorini

Freesia Yvonne Pkfreyvo 2020 - Garden Express Australia

Freesia Yvonne