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Crinum Growing Guide

Header Crinum - Garden Express Australia

What is Crinum?

Crinum (Crinum spp.) is a bulbous perennial that is evergreen in warmer climates. Part of the Amaryllidaceae family it is native to South Africa, North America, South America and Australia. There are five species native to Australia and Crinum pedunculatum is the most common, also known as the Swamp Lily. There are many different species of Crinum with most found through tropical or subtropical areas. During Spring, Crinum will start to produce foliage which is thick and strappy in shape which forms a clumping habit. The flower spike will emerge in Summer through to Autumn. It will push through the foliage on a strong tall flower stem. The flowers are trumpet shaped and look similar to lilies. Flower colours can be pink or white and maybe fragrant depending on variety. When planting crinum they prefer a full sun to part shade position in the garden that has rich and well drained soil. They are drought tolerant once established and will tolerate light frosts. They need to be shelter from heavy frosts. Crinums don’t like being transplanted and take time to become establish.

Benefits of Growing Crinum

Crinum are suitable for planting in garden beds, borders, mass planting, pots and containers. They have a large and mildly fragrant flower. Crinum generally tolerant of a wide range of soils and are a long lived bulb that do best in a permanent position in the garden.

How to Grow Crinum

Crinum Moorei 15 - Garden Express Australia

Crinum Moorei

Climatic Zones

Warm temperate to tropical.

Plant Size

Sizes vary.

When To Plant Crinum

Plant in Autumn.

Soil Preparation

They like rich and well drained soil however will generally tolerant of a wide range of soil types. Mix through well broken down manure to the soil before planting.

How To Plant Crinum

Plant in full sun to part shade, 30cm apart with the top of the bulb just above the soil surface.

Crinum Plant Care

Although this plant is drought tolerant once established, it performs best if the soil is kept moist throughout the growing cycle.

Mulch to keep moisture in during dry periods.

Top dress annually in Spring with a general purpose fertiliser.

Watch out for snails, slugs and caterpillars.